Sunday, December 13, 2009

Demo Reel 2009

Still working on some animations for this thing, but this is what I have so far.


Water using Maya nParticles... really should have tried to figure out realflow.

Force Feild Shader

this was a project from my 3D Visual FX class, I think it came out a little weird, I may go back into it and fix it up with some fluid or particle effects or something.


Magic Effect using Maya 3D Fluid Effects and particle effects.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Campfire using Maya 3D fluid effects and nparticles for the smoke. still needs a bit of fixing up though, I need to adjust the rate of the smoke to and add in the the "sparks" from the fire... and of course I would like to go back and texture everything.

Caveman Project

Untitled from Travis Fruci on Vimeo.

Just a very short clip from the 3D Studio Production project I was apart of a few quarters ago. Big thanks to Brian who did an amazing job with the lighting and rendering, and Jorge for just being all around awesome, and of course everyone else on the team, I'm still amazed we made a complete animated short in less then 11 weeks.

see the whole short here